
Austin's Premier
Dog Groomers

Providing the highest quality of care to our dogs, people, and employees.

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LOBO Austin, LLC
507 W 16th St., Ste E
Austin, TX 78701

8am - 7pm
Mon - Sun

Real people,
expert care.

We are a team of specialists who want to set the bar for pet care in Austin. Our goal is to share what we’ve learned from years of experience to help your dog live their best life.

Here's what we do different.

Pricing made simple. arrow_right

We prioritize transparency and fairness in pricing.

At LOBO you don't have to comb through a list of itemized services. You're guaranteed full service, to your specifications, every time.

Take a look at our services page for a more detailed look at our packages and à la carte options.

Expert groomers.arrow_right

Our priority is quality and we’re proud of the level of consistent care we provide.

At LOBO we take every opportunity to improve our technical skills. We’re experts and enthusiasts, and we’re excited to share our knowledge with you.

Every groomer on staff has years of experience. We're trained and prepared to care for aged, deaf, blind, arthritic, and diabetic dogs.

Give us a call or send us an email with any questions about LOBO or just the grooming process in general. We can't wait to hear from you.


All dogs have different needs.

We’ll consult with you to make an individualized plan that prioritizes your dog’s wellness and relationship to the grooming process.

We love developing a relationship with our clients. Consistency and trust are key to creating an experience your dog will look forward to.

If you're a new pet owner and would like an introduction to pet care, reach out. We're happy to help.

Here's what's most important to us.


We are fair, consistent, and accountable to you and each other.

We crave feedback and collaboration, with you and internally.


Every dog and human has led a unique life.

Compassion and consideration for individual needs shape every connection at LOBO.


You know your dog best.

Before every appointment, we'll consult with you to ensure an exceptional experience for your dog.